A Civilised Education

I always think that the most basic issue that would resolve many, if not all, human issues, would be that of education. I’d be as bold to say that all problems in society arise out of educational problems. I’m not just talking about formal “classroom” education, but all circumstances throughout our lives that affect the development of our lives, especially personal relationships. Also not just an education based on what we think but how we think. We have plenty of good thoughts in the world, but what lacks is good thinking that puts them to use. Politics, economics, environmental… whatever issues you care to name, it comes down to, or can be resolved by, the cultivation of all human minds.

That’s a rather lengthy preamble for this thought that came to me: we will know when we have reached a truly civilised world when we no longer have to resort to neurosis, psychosis, trauma or repression to educate future generations.

As I see it, that’s what it comes down to. The human mind has been “taught” to adapt to a sick society, and so we reap the results, in our individual and collective lives. It works; economies are still productive and politics maintains some control, for example, but at a great price to us personally and environmentally.

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